WWE Road to Wrestlemania 29: The Undertaker Returns, CM Punk To Challenge The Streak

World Heavyweight Championship: Alberto del Rio (c) vs Jack Swagger

On to the probable curtain jerker at Wrestlemania then, with Swagger and Zeb Coulter's anti-immigrant, anti-pretend America, and anti-returning Legend agenda stepping up a gear this week. Monday Night Raw saw Jack Swagger supposedly taking on Hacksaw Jim Duggan, aka The American Patriot. Duggan was escorted to the ring by Dusty Rhodes, aka The American Dream, and Sgt Slaughter, aka The Real American Hero. Surely these three should be Swagger's kind of people? Instead though, Swagger took Duggan's 2x4 and laid out the three legends, before locking in the Patriot Act ankle lock on Duggan. In a later segment Swagger was about to comment on his actions when he was attacked from behind by Del Rio, leading to a brawl. So no explanation as to why Swagger would want to decimate three American heroes. If they don't fit into his vision of a 'real America', then it is going to be an awfully lonely place. Del Rio took down Wade Barrett on Raw in a quick match as Swagger and Coulter watched on from the stage, with Swagger reluctant to take on Del Rio after the match. On Smackdown, the show opened with Del Rio showing Swagger and Coulter a clip of himself and Ricardo Rodriguez mocking their 'We The People' videos. Later on Del Rio would beat Dolph Ziggler yet again in a match. While the xenophobia angle is a fresh and interesting one, creative need to start adding more depth to it if they want it to remain so all the way to Wrestlemania. The dynamic of 'I don't like you because your Mexican' and 'I want to beat you up because your racist' will only keep people invested for so long. Prediction: Del Rio to retain the championship, at least against Swagger, at Wrestlemania.

Rob is a multimedia journalist with an opinion on everything from Johnny Cash to Newcastle United, CM Punk to The Matrix.