WWE Royal Rumble 2014: 10 Last Minute Surprises For Tonight!

9. Kevin Nash

kevin nash When Diesel returned in the Rumble a few years ago it was a great moment. There's no reason why the WWE shouldn't pull the same move again - in terms of a one night showing the big man can absolutely deliver in the Rumble setting. As a close buddy of Triple H he is also the kind of guy that doesn't require a great deal of negotiating to put into the match. This could simply be a case of Hunter calling Nash up and asking him if he wants to have a spot. There wouldn't need to be negotiations or a big deal, Nash has the kind of standing with the WWE to just turn up. What makes us really think that this one could possibly happen is reported news that Nash is in town. With this being the case, Pittsburgh may surely be in with a good chance of seeing Big Daddy Cool in the mix this evening.
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