WWE Royal Rumble 2014: 10 Last Minute Surprises For Tonight!

8. Goldberg

Goldberg A good Royal Rumble needs an explosive force who turns up and just runs through people. Few men have been as effective at this as the brutal Bill Goldberg. If he was to be snuck in as a last minute surprise tonight it would be a thunderous ovation. You may think it an outside bet, but the WCW legend has in fact held discussions with the WWE about a return soon. The talks that took place are thought to have been between Goldberg and Triple H. The discussions broke down due to financial differences, but it looked as if an actual comeback was certainly something Goldberg would not rule out. Could the two sides have since sorted the numbers and facilitated a Rumble return tonight? I hope so. Imagine this scenario ... Ryback is in the Rumble and is just decimating people. All of a sudden the buzzer goes off ... but no music hits. After a brief pause in which Ryback turns to look at the entrance, a tune suddenly kicks in ... Goldberg! Imagine Ryback going crazy as the GOLDBERG chants start and Bill then turns up to throw Ryback out of the ring. A Mania money match is set.
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