WWE Royal Rumble 2014: 10 Last Minute Surprises For Tonight!

7. John Morrison

There can be no denying the athletic ability of John Morrison as a performer. His problem with WWE came about mostly because of his relationship with the heat magnet Melina, causing Morrison to lose status by association. There was also incidents of attitude, when Morrison snubbed Trish Stratus a few years back it was disrespectful and unfitting of a WWE superstar. Still, relations seem to have thawed between Morrison and WWE in the last year. Lines of discussion about Morrison coming back appear to have been opened, and he is a decent outside bet to return in the Rumble tonight. WWE could certainly use him. Morrison is an absolute athlete who can do just about anything in the ring. Personally, I felt like his character gimmick held him back at times in his last run. With a proper push he could maybe achieve so much more. Morrison is also a great spots man, and would really contribute some great visual moments to the Rumble.
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