WWE Royal Rumble 2014: 10 Superstars Who Could Return

8. Chris Jericho

chris-jericho Chris Jericho is once again on the outside of WWE. He is currently enjoying his alter ego as a rock star and pop culture icon. The truth is that he has not had an abundance of time to add pro wrestler back to that list. But that does not mean he never will. The fact is that WWE is Chris Jericho's home. It was where he achieved greatness, the place that gave him the platform to ply his craft and to succeed where he had never succeeded before. Jericho reached heights in the business that he likely never imagined himself. And he's not done yet. That is the beauty of Jericho's position now. Chris finds himself in the enviable place of being able to choose his own spots. He can decide if and when he's ready to come back and in what capacity he will do so. For a career as long and as successful as he has had, Chris has more than earned the right to call the shots as it pertains to whether or not he really needs to come back to WWE. But let's face it. Chris Jericho is a lifer, a guy that has such deep roots in the industry and so much love for the business that he will always find a way to return. He has not forgotten the company that made him a star and nor has he forgotten the fans that supported him through his entire career. Jericho will be back eventually. And that could happen at the Royal Rumble.

Host of Tom Clark's Main Event, WWE Featured Columnist for Bleacher Report and a Contributor for the Camel Clutch Blog http://tomclarkbr.wix.com/blog tomclarksmainevent.libsyn.com