WWE Royal Rumble 2016: 10 Best Choices To Win

1. Daniel Bryan

Yes, I know it isn€™t happening, but we fans can dream, can€™t we? Hear me out... WWE is in a full-on code red, 'break glass in case of emergency' type situation, with the massive amount of injuries that have top stars on the shelf and off the board for WrestleMania 32. Without John Cena, Seth Rollins, Randy Orton and Cesaro the company is in desperation mode. When things get this ugly, it€™s time to pull out all the stops. In this case, that means medically clearing Daniel Bryan. I understand the concern with the injury and his concussion history, but he€™s been cleared by his own doctors, just not WWE€™s own physician. That sounds like a problem that can be rectified. WWE has 100,000-plus seats to fill in Dallas, and bringing back D-Bry will go a long way in restoring interest in a product plagued by the health of its performers as well as fan apathy. How I€™d Book It: The final three in the ring are Roman Reigns, Triple H and Brock Lesnar, and the two men are putting a beatdown on the champion. When the countdown for #30 finishes, some jobber heel starts to make his way to the ring but then thinks better of it when Brock and Hunter stare him down from inside the ring. As he turns to make his way back up the ramp, €œRise of the Valkyries€ hits and Bryan sprints down the aisle, hitting the ring like the proverbial house of fire. After a brief back-and-forth Bryan eliminates his boss, and as Lesnar hoists Reigns onto his shoulders for an F5, Bryan delivers a running knee to the face of The Beast that puts both of his remaining opponents over the top rope, winning him the Rumble and the WWE World Championship. The pop would be legendary and we€™d be heading into the biggest show of the year with what should be a no-brainer main event dream match between Daniel Bryan and Brock Lesnar for WWE's top prize.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.