WWE Royal Rumble 2016: 10 Key Battles To Look Out For

4. Kevin Owens Vs. Sami Zayn

Kevin Owens is scheduled to compete in a Last Man Standing match against Dean Ambrose at the Rumble, but Stephanie McMahon also singled him out on Raw as someone who could perhaps win the Rumble match itself. So presumably he's on double duty, which would be odd given the inherent viciousness of the Last Man Standing stipulation. Still, that looks to be what WWE are going to do. As for Sami Zayn coming in, he'd make sense as one of the surprise entrants. He was meant to be on the full-time roster from the spring, before he got injured, and the Rumble would be a great opportunity to reintroduce him to the fans. He'd go straight after his old nemesis Owens in an attempt to settle unfinished business. That could then lead to a thrilling undercard match at WrestleMania.
WWE Writer

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