WWE Royal Rumble 2016: 10 WWE Superstars Who Could Win

8. Kevin Owens

Title versus title at WrestleMania? That's a great idea. Kevin Owens working undercard guys like the Lucha Dragons and NOT getting immediately put into something with say, Cesaro, shows that WWE knows they have *something* in Kevin Owens, but they're really not sure what that *something* is. There's an easy argument to make that Kevin Owens is the only true heel that WWE has on their roster. He's unlikable in every way, and if Triple H wanted to pull the master stroke and switch the belt to Owens and put the Authority behind Owens, it'd be such a fresh switch. Freeing up Seth Rollins to be a bad ass babyface who does bad ass moves would be cool, and I can't imagine anyone would hate the idea of Rollins vs. Owens matches. Imagine the idea of Kevin Owens joining the Authority in Kane's place and watching his career skyrocket. From there, he wins the Rumble say, "by accident" when Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose eliminate each other. The very "WWE" idea of partners who hate each other heading into Wrestlemania could actually be entertaining. Insert Triple H as the ref to apply the screws to Rollins, and while not groundbreaking, it's definitely a very direct attempt at a new vibe and creative direction.

Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.