WWE Royal Rumble 2016: Early Betting Predictions

6. Rusev

The Russian/Bulgarian superstar (presumably chosen depending on which nationality suits the storyline he is appearing in best) seems to be well fancied by the bookies with odds of 7/1 available on the big man winning next year€™s Royal Rumble. Reasons he should win €“ Since arriving on the main roster back in 2014, Rusev has looked like an absolute beast. In his feud with John Cena for the United States Championship he showed that he can hold his own against a main event level star. And he€™s also pretty much got himself over with the fans now, too. Despite his current role as a heel, many fans (at least among the IWC) are actually rooting for him in his feud with the immensely popular Dolph Ziggler. Reasons he shouldn€™t win €“ Rusev has only been on the main roster about a year now. Whilst signs would suggest he€™ll become a main eventer at some point in the future, it might be a bit too early in his WWE career for him to win the 2016 Royal Rumble. I would, however, expect to see him win one at some point in his career though.

Sports betting enthusiast whose main interests are rugby, football and MMA. Also a huge WWE fan and a self diagnosed TV & movies addict, with a particular love of anything Marvel or Dan Harmon related.