WWE Royal Rumble 2018: Every Match Ranked From Worst To Best

2. 30-Woman Royal Rumble

WWE Royal Rumble 2018 Asuka Brie Bella Nikki Bella

Result: Asuka eliminates Nikki Bella to win the Rumble (59:10).

Rating: I have to give WWE credit for taking the women's Rumble seriously by avoiding a lot of the pitfalls fans expected, namely a short 35-minute runtime, Stephanie McMahon entering herself into the match, and Ronda Rousey completely undermining it by entering and winning.

None of these things happened: it ran almost as long as the men's Rumble, Steph wore an outfit that screamed "I won't be wrestling tonight", and though Rousey made a bizarre, cringe-worthy appearance post-match, that did little to take away from the well-deserved win for Asuka.

While the men's Rumble saw the legends mostly lasting for a cup of coffee, the women's Rumble generally gave them more domineering roles which was a nice surprise. It was also great to see WWE exploiting Sasha's natural heelishness more than usual.

It's a shame the Bellas did so well here and Asuka probably should've had a better opponent for the final stretch, but despite the surely burning temptation to make a giant news headline out of Ronda winning, they compromised by giving Asuka the victory and saving all that nonsense for afterwards.

A very well-executed first women's Rumble, even if it lacked a little of the electricity of the men's, and there were far too many roll-outs which made the match hard to follow at times. 7/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.