WWE Royal Rumble 2024: 10 Nightmares That Could Come True

4. That Men’s Rumble Is For The World Title

WWE Royal Rumble 2024 Roman Reigns

WWE business would need to move on without Seth, so they'd presumably announce that the upcoming men's Rumble that night was now for the vacant World Heavyweight Championship. Admittedly, some traditionalists out there would get a kick out of this and start reminiscing about 1992 (or maybe even 2016 depending on your age), but yeah - it'd be a bummer due to Rollins.

Attention would turn to exactly who supplants Seth as the new World Champ on soon-to-be Netflix Mondays. CM Punk? Cody Rhodes? Akira Tozawa? Right, enough laughing at the back. Akira's one hell of a worker between the ropes, y'know. Besides, "anyone can win the Royal Rumble".


In all seriousness, the mood would be low if Rollins announced he was vacating and was missing 'Mania. Fans in Florida would still be hyped when a new champ was crowned, but there'd be a slightly sour taste in everyone's mouths once they started thinking about Seth again.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.