WWE Royal Rumble 2024: 10 Surprise Entrants We Could See

4. AJ Lee

WWE Royal Rumble 2024 Sasha Banks Mercedes Mone

Now isn't this interesting?!

The rumour mill is churning overtime with the thought that AJ Lee could work her first WWE match since March 2015 at the 2024 Rumble. She's been on lists like this before in bygone years, but the fact her hubby CM Punk is back on good terms with the company has many expecting to see AJ again soon.

"Let's Light It Up" blaring over the speakers in St. Petersburg would get one of the biggest surprise reactions of the night. Then, it'd be totally up to Lee herself if she wanted more. Her last WWE run ended suddenly, after all, so it'd be nice to see some proper closure.

There's a chance AJ will be backstage to support Punk at the Rumble anyway. Put it this way: If CM is winning the men's match, then he'll want the love of his life to be by his side for a photo op smooch behind the curtain afterwards.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.