WWE Royal Rumble 2024: 10 Things That Must Happen

5. AJ Styles Attacks LA Knight Post-Match

WWE Royal Rumble 2024 CM Punk Cody Rhodes

Then use the four-way to set up a WrestleMania grudge match.

Look, there's no avoiding the truth: LA Knight's main event push isn't going to last forever, so fans should enjoy it whilst they can. The same rings true for AJ Styles. He's closer to the end of his run than the start, but can look back on an incredible WWE career that definitely exceeded expectations when Vince McMahon was in charge.

Lining up Knight vs. AJ for 'Mania sounds perfectly fine. To get there, WWE would need to have both guys break up pinfall attempts on Orton and Reigns mid-title match, then have the pair brawl afterwards. In a perfect world, Styles would be the chief aggressor and even tease playing heel opposite LA.

The OC leader has had an edge to him lately, so doubling down on that seems logical. Later, SmackDown GM Nick Aldis can draw a line under this constant brawling by inviting Styles and Knight to settle their differences on the grandest stage.

Job done.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.