WWE’s Escape The Undertaker Review: 5 Ups & 3 Downs
Interactive horror thriller starring WWE wrestlers, or Netflix' newest supernatural stinker?

Various reviews are already killing WWE's new interactive Netflix horror 'Escape The Undertaker', but are most of them missing the point? In a word, yes. The bulk of reviewers appear to view this as a serious attempt to mimic other click-happy interactive adventures like Black Mirror's Bandersnatch.
That's way wide of the mark.
How could a 30-minute haunted house romp starring New Day and 'Taker himself be anything other than goofy? It's Scooby Doo and Goosebumps. It's American Horror Story for the kiddies. It's Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios without the edge, and it makes no apologies for being over-the-top or ridiculous throughout.
Some hiccups do detract from the overall experience (one is admittedly out of WWE's hands), but 'Escape The Undertaker' knows what market it's aimed at and never deviates from trying to please a younger demographic. Several sneaky little Easter eggs and energetic performances from the cast make this one no fun-loving wrestling fan should miss, especially if they have young children.
Here are all the 'Ups' and the 'Downs' from New Day's trip to The Undertaker's house.