WWE Stomping Grounds: 10 Things That Must Happen

1. Seeds Of Doubt Are Planted With The New Day

The New Day

Note that the sub-heading here doesn't say the New Day should split up. Quite the contrary, in fact. They shouldn't. Kofi, Big E and Xavier Woods have so much natural chemistry together, and they've almost evergreen as a threesome. Splitting them would be an awful idea right now.

That doesn't mean WWE can't have some fun by planting the smallest seed of doubt when it comes to E's loyalties.

As much as they love one another like brothers, Big E and Kofi are competitors. It's entirely realistic to claim that E harbours a little jealousy towards his New Day partner for becoming WWE Champion. After all, that's why everyone is on the roster in the first place, or so we're told. There's no harm in telling that story.

How WWE do this is up for debate. Maybe E hesitates before helping Kingston out of the cage post-match, or perhaps he "unintentionally" slams the cage door into his pal's head when he's going for Dolph instead. There are loads of ways to add tension without outright breaking the group up.

What else do you think must happen at WWE Stomping Grounds? Let us know down in the comments section below!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.