WWE Stomping Grounds: 18 Things You Probably Missed

1. Becky's Love Tap

Becky Lynch Seth Rollins

Right at the end of the show, Becky Lynch and Seth Rollins performed a little send up of usual chivalry from men towards women in wrestling. Becky held the rope open for Rollins, who said, "You're the man, right?", but that wasn't all.

Bex also slapped Seth on the butt when he wasn't looking, and Rollins found this hilarious.

The funny moment wasn't spotted by the announce trio, and it didn't get much of a reaction from fans in Tacoma either. We saw your cheeky ways though, Lynch.

What other little hidden gems, easter eggs and moments did you spot at Stomping Grounds? Let us know down in the comments section below!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.