WWE SummerSlam 2014: 10 Reasons Daniel Bryan vs Brock Lesnar Will Main Event

1. The Heel Vs Face Dynamics Are Perfect

When it comes down to it, WWE is all about pitting the greatest good guy against the nastiest bad guy. It's a simple formula which the mass audience buys into, we want to see a heel get brought down by an uprising face. In deciding how to execute a successful SummerSlam main event, WWE need look no further than Bryan and Lesnar for those roles. The creative dynamics are perfect. Lesnar is the baddest man on the planet after managing to beat Undertaker, fans legitimately hate him for ending the streak. Bryan in contrast is beaming with popularity, he is the relatable hero who made it to the top. By pitting these two forces against each other, WWE have the ultimate main event on their hands. The other nice dynamism about the creative is it would allow Bryan to function in the role of underdog again, Lesnar is perceived as invincible right now, the question of 'Can Bryan overcome the Beast?' is what would sell the pay per view. It looks like this is the direction WWE are going in, all the factors detailed in this feature have been evidence of the Bryan vs Lesnar match at SummerSlam. It's something we will all look forward to with great gusto, The Beast versus The Yes Movement could end up being the most compelling story of the WWE year.
WWE Writer

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