WWE SummerSlam 2014: 10 Reasons Daniel Bryan vs Brock Lesnar Will Main Event

2. Alternatively It Could Be The Win Bryan Needs To Solidify His Main Event Stature

In contrasting the last point, some people might argue that Bryan needs the Lesnar win. WWE might be looking to book Bryan vs Lesnar as a way of really elevating the underdog to that point where people say "Yes, this guy really is at that Cena level of getting the biggest wins." The benefits of putting Bryan over would be seen in fan perceptions. He would go from being the gutsy up-and-comer into being the steadfast champion. Being the guy to beat the man who bested the streak is going to count for something. Even though all of this is fake, when you beat a man with the reputation of Lesnar, it adds some sense of legitimacy to your character. Bryan could certainly do with that boost - if he is to stay over long term then he must shake off his underdog tag and take up the dominant champion tag. It's something for WWE to think about. Do we put Lesnar over and build his heel heat into an even bigger force? Or do we give Bryan the win and see if we can get him over to that Cena level of invincibility? The question also has to be asked if Bryan could even survive losing the title at this stage. We all saw what happened to underdog champion Chris Benoit in 2004, he dropped the belt at SummerSlam and never managed to get back over to the point of a second reign. Booking Lesnar vs Bryan is certainly going to present some booking problems for WWE when it comes to a finish, but these are the sort of positive problems WWE wants to have.
WWE Writer

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