WWE SummerSlam 2014: 10 Reasons Daniel Bryan vs Brock Lesnar Will Main Event

7. It Has Never Happened Before

Summerslam has recently become an event that's all about first time matches. The lure of a main event which has 'never been seen before' is compelling, just like anything else on television we don't want to see a repeat, you want to see a new episode. Bryan and Lesnar can represent this, they've never been pictured in the same ring before and it would be a new match for the WWE audience. Having never been done before, it's valuable, Brock is a commodity because of his match rarity. WWE can capitalise on this in their promotion of the event, pulling out the old 'first time ever' tagline to help sell the show. It's something WWE don't get to say much these days, there isn't that many 'new' matches in the locker, mainly because they have a problem with creating new main event stars. Most big matches end up being done time and time again. Bryan is one of the few genuine headliners WWE have managed to create in the last few years, Lesnar is historically one of the best box office performers of all time - putting both men together is going to equal money.
WWE Writer

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