WWE SummerSlam 2014: 10 Reasons Daniel Bryan vs Brock Lesnar Will Main Event

8. Lesnar Beat The Streak

Where can you go after beating the streak? The WWE title is the only progressive step Lesnar can make. There's simply nothing else big enough for the Beast to take on at SummerSlam, he won the 'streak conquerer' title, now he must go after the WWE Title. You don't follow up such a monumental victory with a midcard match on the next big show, only the very top billing will now suffice for Lesnar's 'I beat the streak' character. His claim of being 'the one' who defeated Undertaker's 21 year winning streak is something that can be used to make his Bryan match a stellar draw. Brock will have an air of invincibility, he is the ultimate Goliath to Bryan's David. WWE should push the fact that Bryan is up against it, they should sell the match on the fact that Bryan has his ultimate battle to overcome. The heel heat on Lesnar for ruining the streak is incredible. Win or lose, Bryan is only going to end up a hotter face from facing WWE's biggest bad guy. The Undertaker loss is the most talked about story of 2014 so far, it's vital that WWE capitalise on that as much as possible and infuse the heat from it into Brock vs Bryan.
WWE Writer

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