WWE SummerSlam 2014: 10 Reasons Daniel Bryan vs Brock Lesnar Will Main Event

3. It's The Win Lesnar Needs To Complete His Build For WrestleMania 31

WWE have big long term plans for Brock Lesnar, they wouldn't have gave him the streak victory if they didn't. Something is being built, an enormous main event match at WrestleMania 31 you might expect. Who could this be against? A rematch with The Undertaker is a possibility although a contest versus The Rock is the smart bet. If those matches can't be done, there's even some talk of Lesnar vs Cesaro next year. Whatever it is, Brock needs to be going in strong, he doesn't need shutting down with a loss right after getting the biggest win of his career over Taker's streak. The WWE need to play the streak heat for all it's worth, have Brock win his next few matches and use the 'streak conquerer' tagline to keep him hot as WWE's most destructive force. Just imagine the heat if he beat Bryan. Eventually when a babyface finally does beat him, (Roman Reigns perhaps?) it will go a massive way to creating a new main event star. Unfortunately for Bryan, his meeting with Lesnar will come too soon after the streak end. The timing isn't right for a babyface to defeat Brock yet. The match with Bryan should be a way of WWE putting further heat on Brock and continuing The Beast's destructive path toward Mania 31. What does that mean for the title? One unique solution could be Brock wins the belt but then transfers it over to Cesaro. That could even be the catalyst for a fallout further down the line and Cesaro vs Lesnar at Mania 31.
WWE Writer

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