WWE SummerSlam 2017: 10 Shocks That Could Happen

8. New Day's Reign Ends Prematurely

SS 17 New Day Usos

It feels like a lifetime ago that The New Day were flying high on Raw as WWE's longest reigning Tag-Team Champions since Demolition. Breaking records and being damn entertaining whilst doing so on Mondays, the trio have stuttered a little since moving to SmackDown despite becoming the brand's tag champions.

New Day just don't feel as big of a deal, which is a shame considering how generally fun their feud has been with The Usos thus far. SmackDown's writers are clearly high on the twin brothers too, so there's a chance they could be booked to give SummerSlam a notable title change, up end The New Day and become two-time SmackDown Tag Champs.

Kofi Kingston, Big E, and Xavier Woods only won the titles last month at Battleground, so it'd be a sudden shift to remove the straps from them so quickly. That's the element of surprise WWE know and love though, and it's a possibility for Sunday night.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.