WWE SummerSlam 2020: 10 Best Internet Reactions To Roman Reigns Heel Turn

8. The Crowd And Its Sounds

We've already discussed the benefits of the ThunderDome and how it enhanced the show, but the audience sounds proved to be something of a more divisive aspect. Some fans thought the sounds once again gave WWE that live entertainment feel it had been lacking, while others were confused as to whether or not the sounds were from the virtual audience or piped in.

Furthermore, some thought it was insulting to add in fake crowd sounds while others just found the whole thing (and the delayed reaction) very distracting.

In spite of the response, it seems fans could agree that the SummerSlam audience participated a lot more in the event than the previous audience did on SmackDown.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.