WWE SummerSlam 2022: 10 Things That Must Happen

7. An IC Title Bout Is On The Main Card

WWE SummerSlam 2022 Roman Reigns Brock Lesnar

Gunther chopping the life out of Ludwig Kaiser for weeks on SmackDown has to be leading to something. Hopefully, that "something" isn't a split but instead an Intercontinental Title clash between the big Austrian and Shinsuke Nakamura. That...that could be special.

There's a chance that Triple H will keep this one simmering in the pot for a little while longer, but it'd be so cool to see a match like it on the main card at SummerSlam. If they're given some time to work with, then Gunther and Shin could easily conjure up images of summer pay-per-view greats like Bret Hart vs. Mr. Perfect.

No, really.

This fan has a ton of faith in both guys to go out there for 15-20 minutes and bloody smash it. A hard fought win over someone like Naka would do wonders for Gunther's reign, and a pay-per-view appearance would also show that WWE values the championship post-Vinnie Mac.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.