WWE SummerSlam 2022: 10 Things That Must Happen

5. Riddle Picks Up A Banner Singles Win

WWE SummerSlam 2022 Roman Reigns Brock Lesnar

A lot has been made of Seth Rollins losing loads of matches in 2022, but he’s good enough and over enough with the audience to maintain interest even without winning. Long-term, the most logical finish at SummerSlam in this one is a Riddle victory.

Yours truly actually thinks Riddle doing well for himself as a singles will lead to jealousy from Randy Orton when he returns. Don’t cry; RK-Bro had to split up at some point, and they’ve had a sweet run. For now though (in the short-term), full focus should go on helping Riddle reach that next level as a breakout star.

He's on the cusp, man.

Seth can help further Riddle's ascension by making him look like the man on Saturday night. There are few on the roster who can bump, feed and sell like Mr. Rollins. This could be a banner night for everyone's favourite scooter-loving, weed-smoking babyface.

It has to be.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.