WWE SummerSlam 2022: 10 Things That Must Happen

4. Charlotte Flair Attacks…The Champ!

WWE SummerSlam 2022 Roman Reigns Brock Lesnar

Oh yes, that’s right.

Internet favourite and all-round social media darling (ahem) Charlotte Flair should roll out after Liv Morgan beats Ronda Rousey in a hotly-contested title match. There'd be a brief pause and standoff moment, because everybody watching would assume that Flair was looking for revenge on Ronda for what happened at WrestleMania Backlash. That's when a good old fashioned swerve would kick in.

At the last possible second, Charlotte would turn her attentions to Liv and boot the champ's head off her shoulders instead. Then, as Rousey looked on shocked mid-ring, Flair could continue putting the boots to Morgan and screaming about how she's come back for "her baby".

Charlotte is the kind of worker who consistently goes for gold, after all. She'd be more concerned with that than getting anything back on Ronda, and Rousey's own heel turn is on the cards soon anyway. Or, at least, it should be.

Having two strong villains chase Liv wouldn't be a bad thing.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.