WWE Super ShowDown 2019: 10 Things That Must Happen

7. Seth Rollins vs. Baron Corbin Is MITB Cash-In Free

Super Show-Down 2019

Any WWE fan with a Twitter account knows that Baron Corbin is social media's whipping boy these days. A portion of the audience hate the fact that he's being pushed, and there's no denying that having him beat Kurt Angle in the legend's final match was questionable at best. Is he the devil he's painted out to be though?

No, he's not.

On TV, Corbin gets some good heat, and he's nice foil for babyface champ Seth Rollins. Sadly for Baron, most are interested in whether or not Brock Lesnar will cash in his MITB briefcase on the Universal Champion and grab a sneak win in Saudi Arabia. That shouldn't happen.

Seth carried Raw as a brand throughout 2018, and that's why he was elevated to 'World Title' status again. He's the best in-ring worker the show has, and his Universal reign shouldn't come to an end on a 'B' level pay-per-view special just because WWE don't have a better plan for Brock's MITB win.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.