WWE Super Showdown: 7 Last-Minute Rumours You Need To Know
6. Kurt Angle Is In The Rumble
Another idea in that vein - although considerably more of a stretch - is that they'll be hoodwinking Kurt Angle into the Rumble as well. As spines go, his is one of the last ones you'd want tumbling out of a ring after a long-haul flight but, regardless, he's never been one to shirk an appearance.
Now yes, he did retire, but as everyone knows, Rumble’s don’t count towards your retirement. You can ask literally anyone. Jim Duggan, or JBL or Mick Foley... Hornswoggle. Many are the strapped-up-near-corpses of wrestling legends who've made a shock "return" in these matches, and even at his age Angle is a big name that would excite the crowd. And by "excite the crowd" I mean "the Saudi General Sports Authority have heard of".
It's worth pointing out at this point (partly because there's not actually much else to say about Kurt) that we still don't know precisely what format this match will take. It's advertised as a 50 Man Battle Royal, and not a Royal Rumble. Which means as it stands we're starting with 50 men in the ring, with no entrances or the like. That surely can't be right but... at the time of me writing this, it is.