WWE Survivor Series 2015: 10 Things We Learned

2. Sheamus Is The New WWE Champion

There's a very good chance that Sheamus wouldn't have become WWE World Heavyweight Champion at Survivor Series had circumstances not changed. When Seth Rollins went down with a serious knee injury and had to vacate the belt, the company scrambled. Roman Reigns defeated Dean Ambrose to win the tournament on the Pay-Per-View, but it wasn't to last. Just like Daniel Bryan before him, Reigns had the rug pulled out from underneath him by Triple H and The Authority. After Roman had attacked 'The Game', Sheamus appeared out of nowhere and cashed in his 'Money In The Bank' briefcase. A pair of Brogue Kicks later, the big Irishman was WWE Champion, and the crowd seemed a little relieved to see it. Not only was it learned that Sheamus is the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion, but it's also important to note that Survivor Series outlined something else. Roman Reigns just isn't a popular enough babyface with the majority of the fan base for them to feel sympathy. Indeed, there were cat calls and boos as tears filled his eyes post-match.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.