WWE Survivor Series 2018: 10 Things We Learned

1. 'Brand Supremacy' Needs A Prize To Make It Worthwhile

Survivor Series 2018

Survivor Series wasn't a bad show. It had exciting peaks, such as Bryan's comeback, Charlotte Flair's violence and the in-fighting of Team Raw, and it starred a number of high spots (take a bow for once again putting your body through hell, Shane McMahon). Still, it didn't quite rise above the pre-show worry that it'd be stopgap.

The uninteresting gimmick of 'brand supremacy' must shoulder the blame for that.

There's nothing stopping WWE from adding some incentive to the Raw vs. SmackDown story they insist on peddling every year. A guarantee over later Royal Rumble entries, perhaps, or how about the carrot of the winning brand's chosen title headlining WrestleMania? Failing that, the writers could offer up something to do with an annual 'Superstar Shakeup' mini-Draft.

Survivor Series 2018 made it crystal clear that the idea needs an injection of purpose beyond its three-four hour run time. Fans require more reason than WWE give for why both shows care so much about phoney bragging rights that only seem to matter in November.


What else did you take away from Survivor Series 2018? Let us know down in the comments section below!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.