WWE Survivor Series 2018: 7 Things WWE Got Right

3. Resisting The Shane McMahon Comeback Urge

Survivor Series 2018

If you're anything like us and follow WWE's product closely, then your blood must have run cold when Shane McMahon was faced with 'impossible' three-on-one odds towards the end of the match. At that precise moment, nightmare images began flashing into view. Surely Shane-O wouldn't beat Braun Strowman, Drew McIntyre and Bobby Lashley?

No, he wouldn't.

Well done to WWE for resisting what must have been quite the urge considering recent booking. Although McMahon may have stuck his nose in at the end of the World Cup and become the (ahem) "Best In The World" by proxy, it wouldn't be totally out of character for the company to promote him as some sort of comeback king.

The fact that didn't happen eases some of Crown Jewel's horror, and it's even better that Shane didn't get to beat any of the three survivors. Instead, he tried to rally before being picked up, slammed and pinned by Braun. Thank God for that.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.