WWE Survivor Series 2018: 7 Things WWE Got Right

4. Team Raw's Arguments

Survivor Series 2018

Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler should not get along with Braun Strowman and Bálor in the current climate just because they happen to work on the same show and have been handed some red t-shirts backstage. That'd be ludicrous, and it happens all too often when Survivor Series rolls around on the WWE calendar.

How utterly refreshing it was then to see the quartet bicker with one another and try to one-up their rivals instead of playing happy families united against the blue boys.

It's way, way, way more realistic that McIntyre, a man obsessed with proving he works harder than everyone else, would refuse to tag Bálor in and risk him stealing the glory. Similarly, it makes sense that dominant giant Braun would want to start the match and prove he's still better than Drew. Little touches like that go a long way.

SmackDown's team didn't have the same kind of disjointed feel, but there weren't really any proper heels on that side apart from The Miz and Samoa Joe anyway. Besides, Joe was ousted quickly so McIntyre could rub his talent in Strowman's face.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.