WWE Survivor Series 2019: 10 Superstars Who Could Be NXT's 5th Man

7. Walter

Walter Seth Rollins Raw

NXT TakeOver viewers who saw Imperium at ringside will likely be upset that NXT UK's top stable didn't make too much of an impression at War Games. However, it did show that they are in Chicago for the weekend, and their leader Walter could very well end up as the surprise member of NXT's Survivor Series team.

After NXT UK's very underwhelming appearance in the buildup to Survivor Series, they deserve another chance to show how great the brand can be. Offering a place in the Survivor Series team to their champion seems like it would be the best way to go about this.

However, as Imperium appeared in the crowd in NXT, custom dictates that they are soon to become fully-fledged NXT members. This comes after a few exciting, but brief appearances on the show already, meaning they are unlikely to represent the brand immediately.


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