WWE Survivor Series 2021: 10 Nightmares That Could Come True

7. Happy Corbin Makes Everyone Unhappy

WWE Survivor Series 2021 Screwjob Adam Pearce Becky Lynch


There are some big names on both sides of the men's elimination match. Drew McIntyre, Seth Rollins, Kevin Owens, Jeff Hardy, Bobby Lashley and even Finn Bálor could all be therein thereabouts come the end of the thing, but what if WWE goes with Happy Corbin instead?

Brooklyn would boo the living sh*t out of things if Corbin's pal Madcap Moss merrily helped his mate to a major "sole survivor" win. Now, this writer happened to like the Happy character when it was first introduced. No really, he did. However, it's since become a weekly lowlight on SmackDown and shouldn't be encouraged.

Someone backstage (probably Vince) really likes it though, and they might want to see Corbin get another push by way of winning at Survivor Series. Shoving Corbs into the spotlight and continuing his merriment at the expense of others would be a massive mistake, and a bit of a nightmare outcome for fans.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.