WWE Survivor Series: 5 Reasons CM Punk's New Stable Is Dawn of New Era

2. They'll Take On Ryback and The Rock

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChCckO_F0Ss There are a number of directions they could take last night's assault on Ryback moving forward, but one certainly seems most likely. While having Ryback get screwed again does seem rather lazy on the surface of it, it is probably in fact a fairly calculated move, in that it shifts the focus away from a Ryback/Punk fued to a Ryback/NXT fued, where he can take on Rollins, Ambrose and Reigns, while Punk is free to proceed with his programme against The Rock at the Royal Rumble. Punk can have an easy win at TLC - probably against Cena - while Ryback hangs around in the periphery, probably getting another shot at the title a few months after WrestleMania (if, in fact, he doesn't win the Rumble itself). But the point here is that it would demonstrate how much stock the WWE places in this new faction; if they're going to mess with Ryback and face against him, and then they're probably going to start messing with The Rock ahead of the Royal Rumble, it shows that they're trusted in same sphere as top-tier talent. If there was ever a way to get over, it is to put a wrestler in the ring with The Rock; he is fantastic at making other wrestlers look good (who can forget how he sells a Stunner?), while also making fun of them. If they can respond in kind and verbally spar with The Great One, we could be in for some classic segments in the coming months.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.