WWE Survivor Series WarGames 2022: 10 Nightmares That Could Come True

1. The Bloodline Oust Sami Zayn Immediately

Vince McMahon Austin Theory

Sami Zayn's manipulative run as an "Honorary Uce" has been the highlight of WWE's product for a while now. He's regularly comedy gold, and has even managed to cause the entire Bloodline to crack on-screen due to his "Ucey" antics. WWE has caught lightning in a bottle with this story.

They'd be throwing months of slow-burn brilliance out the window if Zayn takes the fall in WarGames and takes a kicking from Roman Reigns' crew. That beatdown is surely coming, but it doesn't need to happen just yet. The idea that Triple H could rush this is a true nightmare scenario.

If handled correctly, Sami could come out of his Bloodline association as a reborn underdog babyface fans get right behind. People already love him, and that's why he shouldn't be the sacrificial lamb at Survivor Series. It feels too soon.

The fact WWE has a lot of TV to fill between now and the Rumble in January has yours truly concerned though.

What other nightmares could come true at WWE Survivor Series 2022: WarGames? For more wrestling, check out 10 Trades WWE & AEW Need To Make In 2023 and 10 Genius Ways Wrestlers Survived WWE Humiliations!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.