WWE Survivor Series WarGames 2022: 10 Nightmares That Could Come True

6. Two WarGames Is Too Much

Vince McMahon Austin Theory

WWE diluted the timeless Royal Rumble concept by booking two in one night, but they’ve managed to get away with that because people were so pleased to see women get the chance to make history. Plus, being fair, the Rumble is less egregious when it's repeated on the same show. The same can't be said for some other famous gimmick bouts.

Hell In A Cell and Money In The Bank, for example, both feel less impactful than they used to be because they’ve been pounded into the ground by now. Could WarGames follow suit? Doubling up on the gimmick might be a little too much, especially because there’s no individuality for either one this weekend.

Fans know WarGames can’t actually end until everybody is involved, and there are no eliminations either. So, that could cause Boston's faithful to sit on their hands despite the violence and just sit around waiting on the finishes.

That wouldn't be ideal - Triple H will want relentless noise throughout.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.