WWE are teasing a confrontation between Dean Ambros and Roman Reigns for tonight's Raw. The official WWE.com preview reads "Now that Ambrose has put The Beast on notice, will he turn his attention to The Big Dog next?" The tease is the latest hint that a turn is coming, with Ambrose and Reigns both being in the number one contender match at this Sunday's Fastlane show. The question of whether their friendship can survive has been one of Raw's biggest narratives in recent weeks, and the slow burn Ambrose heel turn has been running for months now. However, with potential changes for WrestleMania, and Reigns being more of a natural heel, maybe WWE would be bold enough to flip the roles. Ambrose could do very well in a Daniel Bryan type spot, while Reigns is more easily dislikeable as a heel. Either way, it looks like Fastlane will set up some sort of Reigns Ambrose feud for either WrestleMania or the post Mania period. As the Raw preview indicates, the first shots could be fired tonight. It would be a compelling sell for this weekend if Raw went off the air with the "brothers" divided. In regards to Brock Lesnar's direction, he is likely being spun off for a feud with Bray Wyatt, although the momentum for a Lesnar Triple H match has increased with the recent Raw face off.