WWE: TLC 2013 Preview And Predictions

Tag Team Champions Goldust & Cody Rhodes Vs Cesaro & Swagger Vs Big Show & Rey Mysterio Vs Axel & Ryback

It's lazy booking and a match for the sake of it really, but this bout has some good workers featured. It could end up a solid contest. What I don't like in WWE is when they just put two wrestlers together as a team because they have nothing better for them as singles. They have done this with Big Show and Rey Mysterio here. It's meaningless. Big Show has just wrestled Orton for the title and now they have nothing for him so they have stuck him in a tag match. It's unimaginative and bad creative. Axel and Ryback are in the same boat, nobody cares about them, they shouldn't even be on the pay per view. It's ironic that Ziggler is on the pre-show €“ he's a wrestler people would pay to see, instead we get the bore fest of what JBL termed 'Rybaxel.' I don't envision anything other than the tag champions retaining. I think a split is in the future, but not right now. Cesaro and Swagger could benefit from the win, they are a proper team, and that could lead to some good rematches €“ but I doubt they go with that. Cody Rhodes to win the pin over Ryback or Axel. Given a good 15 minutes it could deliver as an entertaining contest. Goldust, Cody, Cesaro and Mysterio could really light the match up. It would be even better if WWE added the TLC stipulation on the night. It should be a decent enough bout whatever happens. Winners: Goldust and Cody Rhodes.
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