WWE: TLC 2013 Preview And Predictions

Intercontinental Title: Big E Vs Damien Sandow

Damien Sandow Hardly the most inspiring match €“ this is far more Raw level than PPV level. It probably won't be too bad, but it just isn't going to be all that interesting to the audience. Big E has improved drastically as of late. He has momentum behind him and isn't likely to drop the belt here. On the other hand, Sandow has been one of the best and most underrated workers of 2013 so he should be able to light this match up and make it at least entertaining. Booked as a short match full of powerful moves (similar to Sandow's cash in match versus Cena) this could be a good and enjoyable contest. The winner isn't really in doubt. The only way Sandow may win is if Mark Henry turns heel and costs his friend Langston the match. It is a future feud that makes sense given Langston and Henry's strong man backgrounds. Sandow would really benefit from a mid card title run too. Winner: Big E
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