WWE: TLC 2013 Preview And Predictions

Daniel Bryan Vs The Wyatt Family

With the Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania coming up, it's hard to see how Bryan can lose this one. WWE's most popular star has spent most of the autumn losing out on pay per view, it's time to push him strong again. Despite this obvious need to get behind Bryan, it is also hard to see how The Wyatt family can lose too. Unlike The Shield, the Wyatt clan are a united team, so what angle can WWE play that allows Bryan to go over three guys? Perhaps WWE's thinking is to have Bryan destroyed to further build his sympathetic babyface character. He then goes on to Royal Rumble to finally overcome adversity and win the Rumble bout. Alternatively WWE may be thinking to have Bryan win over the three men to send the character into Mania season strong. It's a tough one to predict. In terms of quality I think it will be an ok match, but not as good as Punk's handicap contest. Bryan is so over with the crowd and so efficient in his work it isn't really possible for him to have a bad match. The exchanges with Bray should be of a high calibre, Rowan and Harper looked decent enough at Survivor Series also. Winner: Daniel Bryan
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