WWE: TLC 2013 Preview And Predictions

WWE Title And World Title Unification TLC Match : John Cena Vs Randy Orton

Cena Wwe Title This match has the potential to be something truly special. The involvement of the tables, ladders and chairs gives Orton and Cena various possibilities to create thrilling action in addition to their good chemistry and ring work. The climbs and falls in trying to grab the title allows for several exciting passages of play. The veteran wrestlers can make a classic out of this match if everything clicks. What do I think will happen? They will tease the Cena heel turn further during the match, but I don't think they pull the trigger. I envision Triple H coming to ringside to help Cena, and the WWE Champion having a moment of self doubt. Orton would then capitalize on Cena's pause, hitting the RKO and ascending the ladder to become undisputed champion. I really wouldn't be all that surprised if they did do the Cena heel turn though €“ it would be an all-time famous wrestling moment, and set up a huge Mania match with Daniel Bryan. There is plenty of speculation that whatever goes down will be a creative finish. There is a lot of internet chatter that WWE will have both Orton and Cena pulling a belt down, perhaps swapping titles. There is even a theory that Triple H could walk out as the new undisputed champion. The most realistic scenario is Orton wins and becomes the new sole champion. Whatever happens I think this will be a great match. Winner And New Undisputed Champion: Randy Orton I'll be tweeting some reaction live after the matches @whatculturewwe with full reaction being featured on the main site Monday. Enjoy the event!
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