WWE TLC 2016: Ranking Every Match From Worst To Best

6. Smackdown Tag Titles: Heath Slater & Rhyno (c) Vs. Bray Wyatt & Randy Orton

WWE TLC 2016 AJ Styles Dean Ambrose

Result: Wyatt distracts Rhyno, allowing Orton to sneak in and blast him with the RKO to win the titles (5:53).

Rating: Talk about an uninspired opener, even with the apparent excitement of a title change. This one was super predictable, and while that wasn't necessarily a problem, it never really went anywhere because it was over so damn quickly.

A match that better sold Slater and Rhyno's desperate struggle to hold onto the titles would've been more fun with, say, another few minutes, but instead it fell pretty flat and the crowd didn't seem to care, which for an opener is pretty disastrous.

On the plus side, the ending was great and it's nice to see Bray finally win a WWE title, and actually be victorious two PPVs in a row. 5/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.