WWE TLC 2017: 8 Things WWE Got Right
Kurt Angle becoming an honorary member of The Shield was the right call...

A nasty case of the mumps threatened to wreck WWE's plans for the TLC pay-per-view on Sunday night. The virus took both Roman Reigns and Bray Wyatt off the card, though it can hardly be considered a loss that fans didn't get to see Bray dress up like an old woman and play the role of 'Sister Abigail'.
Reigns was the more concerning absence, because he had been poised to stand alongside Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins as The Shield in the show's main event. Thank God for Kurt Angle then. Wrestling his first WWE match in 11 years, the Raw GM filled in for Roman and did it in style. Short notice or not, fans were delighted to see Angle work.
Crucially, WWE held back a little when it came to Kurt's performance. He was dressed up in SWAT gear and treated like a star without overshadowing the gimmick of the match (The Shield taking on all comers). That attention to detail wasn't all the writers got right...