WWE: Top 10 Tag Teams Of The Attitude Era

2. Edge & Christian

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVAhFiELkbI On-screen 'brothers' Edge & Christian aligned themselves with Gangrel in mid 1998 to form the gothic group The Brood. This was a heel alliance which would last about a year before Edge & Christian broke away, establishing themselves as a, now babyface, tag team in their own right. They had numerous battles with The New Brood (the Hardy Boyz), including the aforementioned ladder match at No Mercy 1999, but it was at WrestleMania 2000 on April 1 that they finally broke through the proverbial glass ceiling to capture the WWF Tag Team titles for the first time, against the Hardy Boyz and Dudley Boyz in a triangle ladder match. The thrilling triangle ladder match lead to the birth of the Tables, Ladders and Chairs (TLC) matches. Whilst the Dudley Boyz brought the tables and the Hardy Boyz were renowned for jumping off ladders, it was the chairs aspect which became the trademark of the now villainous Edge & Christian. Their signature move involving chairs was the 'Con-chair-to' where the pair simultaneously struck an opponent in the head with a chair. The duo developed cocky demeanours, posing for 5 seconds prior to matches 'for the benefit of those with flash photography.' They also formed allegiances with another cocky hell, Kurt Angle, and later Rhyno, who came over from ECW in early 2001. Edge & Christian largely dominated the tag team division for a year after winning their maiden titles, winning the TLC matches at Summerslam 2000 and WrestleMania X-Seven in 2001, once again overcoming the Hardy Boyz and Dudley Boyz. They split later in the year as Edge was given a push as a singles competitor, having won the 2001 King of the Ring; And both would later go on to win World titles in the WWE.
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Martin Perry is a writer for WhatCulture, who has a passion for the blood, sweat and tears world of Boxing, and an enthusiasm for the world of WWE. Other interests include Football and Darts. You can follow and contact him on Twitter @MartinPez