WWE: Top 10 Title Unifications In Modern Wrestling

3. Primo & Carlito Colon Defeat The Miz & John Morrison To Unify WWE And World Tag Team Titles (Wrestlemania...pregame show, April 2009).

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAibSwwcFeU HHH was not involved here, so it didn't make the main Wrestlemania show. This one kind of annoyed me as a wrestling geek, partly because Miz & Morrison were at their hottest as a team around this time whereas Carlito stopped giving a crap the moment he left his dad's promotion, but mostly because the World tag team titles were unified INTO the WWE tag team titles. "Scott," you might ask, "Why does this annoy you?" Well, the World tag titles were the ones dating back to the 60s with all the history behind them, whereas the WWE tag titles were created in 2003, albeit with better looking belts. So basically WWE has thrown away years of great tag team history for no real reason. I'm not gonna lie, that hurt a little bit. I feel like I should have been consulted beforehand, perhaps by WWE App or Twitter poll. Sadly, both teams self-destructed soon after, although Primo rebounded into a role as a matador, having turned into a Mexican for some reason. Match Quality: JoMo was pretty boss around this time, so I enjoyed it well enough. Long-term Significance: Have you SEEN the tag team title belts lately? Ugh. They should have stuck with the original design for the WWE tag titles and just thrown the other ones in a dumpster. Maybe Hacksaw Duggan could have rescued them, too.
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Scott Keith is a wrestling blogger and general smart-ass, residing at blogofdoom.com, aka Scott's Blog of Doom! Scott began slacking off in Computing Science classes in university, and discovered the wonderful world of writing online in 1993, and has never looked back since then. You may wish to purchase books by Scott on Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B001JS89P0