WWE: Top 10 Title Unifications In Modern Wrestling

2. Ric Flair Defeats Sting To Unify WCW World & WCW International World Titles (Clash of the Champions, June 1994).

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfHFVPAS_Ps OH MY GOD do I have to explain this AGAIN? Granted, it's my fault for bringing it up in my own list, but I've got stuff to do. OK, so journey back with me to a strange and wondrous time called 1992, when Bill Watts was running WCW and HHH was still doing amateur bodybuilding competitions, dreaming of being Mr. Olympia (the bodybuilding champion, not the masked wrestler) and making sure his hair was impeccably conditioned in preparation for a WWE career that was still a few years away. But this isn't about HHH, no matter how much he'd like another entry to be about him. No, it's about the NWA, as they were struggling for survival and trying to get WCW to play ball with them again. Bill Watts was like "Hey, cool, let's go get some Starbucks and chill at my place" (you know, as Bill Watts was apt to say at the time) and soon enough all the kids in the arcades were hyped up because NWA World champion Masa Chono was on WCW TV, and if they had cell phones in 1992 they'd sure as hell be texting each other in excitement over the tradition of the World title that was around since 1904 or whatever fake year they were saying this time. BUT WAIT! In the most shocking development since Lincoln swerving the Union and joining the slave trade, the NWA and WCW bookers could not agree on how to book the champion. See, Watts got fired and Eric Bischoff took over, and he had the CRAZY notion that no one actually gave a crap about the NWA World title and thus he could put it on whoever he wanted because everyone in WCW was a bigger star than whatever indy scrubs the NWA was taking bribes from at that point. Isn't that CRAZY? So WCW was taping a zillion weeks of TV at a time in the Disney studios (note: My math might be slightly off) and one of the shows featured Rick Rude winning the NWA World title from Ric Flair. The NWA was like immediately all over Twitter being all "OMG Rude WTF? WE WANT FLAIR, LOL." Perhaps I'm simplifying things here too much, but IT'S MY COUNTDOWN. So the NWA pulled out of the deal with WCW and gave the belt to, I dunno, Colorado Kid or Verne Gagne's nephew's third cousin or whatever years later, leaving WCW with the Big Gold Belt and no actual championship recognized. Not to mention they had already taped weeks of TV in advance with Rude parading around with said championship accoutrement. So, in a master stroke of genius,* *(I'm being sarcastic, in case you couldn't tell) the NWA World title was rendered in post-production into the internationally-recognized and very not bogus WCW INTERNATIONAL WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP. This was of course too stupid even for WCW's low standards, and after Sting won it they had Flair beat him to unify the belts just in time for Hogan to win it, thus making everyone in the world happy. Especially HHH. Match Quality: It's Ric Flair v. Sting, do I have to draw you a map here? Long-term Significance: It got rid of the WCW International World title, so it made me pretty happy. The WCW World title belt was discarded like yesterday's garbage in favor of the Big Gold Belt, which still lives on until this day. Flair retired in 1994 and hasn't been seen since. I wanna say that Sting is still wrestling...somewhere...? I think? These things are hard to write. To Wikipedia!
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Scott Keith is a wrestling blogger and general smart-ass, residing at blogofdoom.com, aka Scott's Blog of Doom! Scott began slacking off in Computing Science classes in university, and discovered the wonderful world of writing online in 1993, and has never looked back since then. You may wish to purchase books by Scott on Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B001JS89P0