WWE: Top 25 Stone Cold Steve Austin Moments

17. "Stone Cold Is Shaking Hands With Satan Himself!"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMKzgO6i5SM It's no surprise that Steve Austin and Vince McMahon aren't the best of friends in the WWE. The animosity surrounding both their egos is so intense that it fueled a wrestling generation and propelled it into superstardom. Austin hated McMahon, and McMahon hated Austin, and there was no way they'd ever see eye-to-eye on any matter, even if it benefited both men. Come Wrestlemania XVII the animosity-shrouded veil was lifted, and we were greeted to a partnering of both Stone Cold Steve Austin and Vince McMahon. It was The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin, the main event at Wrestlemania XVII for the WWF Championship. The momentum constantly shifted between both competitors, with no guarantee over who would claim ultimate victory. When The Rock hit Austin with a Rock Bottom, Austin kicked out. When Austin hit The Rock with a Stunner, The Rock kicked out. Back and forth they went with chairs and a wide assortment of foreign objects that still didn't guarantee a victor. That was....until Vince McMahon walked down the long entrance ramp towards the ring, a concealed grin behind his face and the look of evil in his eyes. As he spectated and bared witness to the epic rematch, he eventually got his hands dirty as expected....but not on Austin, but The Rock. Within a short time span McMahon allied with Austin in destroying The Rock, giving Austin a steel chair for which he repeatedly hit The Great One again and again until ultimately going for the 3 count. And the cherry on top: Austin shaking McMahon's hand. This infamous moment is among one of Austin's biggest heel plays for a variety of reasons. No one would have remotely guessed Austin and McMahon would ever work together on anything business related, so when Austin sided with McMahon to gain the WWF Championship it was a spit in the face to the fans who thought Austin would never betray their trust. But above all else, no one thought Austin would sell out to McMahon to get what he wants. If Austin wanted something he went for it and very rarely asked for assistance. In siding with McMahon to obtain the WWF Championship, Austin virtually became the most notorious WWF superstar over night.

Ryan Glenn is an amateur writer in pursuit of a career in both the writing and graphic design fields. He currently attends the Art Institutes of Illinois and looks to go back for a degree in journalism. A reader of an exhaustive library of books and an adept music and video game lover, there's no outlet of media that he isn't involved in or doesn't love.