WWE: Top 25 Stone Cold Steve Austin Moments

10. "Austin Got McMahon! Austin's Got McMahon!"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpRv1FVAvsI Stone Cold's ambition to torment and languish in the hatred Vince McMahon had for him never gets old. Neither did it ever run out of steam, for the redneck ambition of Steve Austin and the egotistical fortitude of Vince McMahon continued to deliver what the fans wanted out of Monday Night Raw every night since its inception. When Stone Cold insulted McMahon, it was great and well-earned. But when McMahon took the role of his heel character and took from Austin what he cared about, things were sure to steam up and spin out of control. At Breakdown, September 27th of 1998 Steve Austin was put in a match by Vince McMahon to compete against both the Undertaker and Kane in a Triple Threat match. Due to Austin fighting against both Kane and the Undertaker and defending and losing the WWF Championship, Vince was fed up with Austin being the champion, and sanctioned him in a Triple Threat match to where both Kane and the Undertaker pinned Austin at the same time. The match itself was inconclusive as to who exactly won, and Vince robbed the title from Austin in the hopes of crowning a new WWF Champion. The following night on Monday Night Raw, Vince McMahon looked to crown both Kane and the Undertaker the championship, with the Vince's "corporate stooges" accompanying him alongside several security guards. Vince had the arena locked down in case Austin planned to crash the party, but he never expected Austin to crash it by driving a zamboni through the parking lot and into the arena and crashing it into the side of the ring. Austin then jumped on top the zamboni and jumped over everyone and everything right onto Vince McMahon and pummeled him senseless while Vince's corporate buddies watched for a few moments. Security then proceeded to arrest Austin and escort him out of the building, Vince taunting Austin on the way to the squad car. It was hilarious while at the same time rewarding and gratifying knowing Austin wouldn't take Vince's low blow so easily at Breakdown, retaliating with a zamboni and blowing the roof off the arena. Moments like those solidified the iron gills of the Attitude Era, further proving the tenacity of Stone Cold Steve Austin and the villainy of Vince McMahon. But this only made things worse for Vince when both Kane and the Undertaker assaulted him later after Austin was arrested, breaking his ankle and sending to the hospital only to be greeted by an all-too-familiar rival...

Ryan Glenn is an amateur writer in pursuit of a career in both the writing and graphic design fields. He currently attends the Art Institutes of Illinois and looks to go back for a degree in journalism. A reader of an exhaustive library of books and an adept music and video game lover, there's no outlet of media that he isn't involved in or doesn't love.