WWE: Top 25 Stone Cold Steve Austin Moments

7. "I've Got A Bit Of Sign Language...So Here's To Ya!"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvESrXQejZg In what most believe would never happen, the toe-to-toe confrontation between Stone Cold Steve Austin and "Iron Mike" Tyson on Monday Night Raw was widely accepted as one of the defining moments of the Attitude Era. The moment itself is surrounded in controversy, some believing Vince McMahon invited Tyson to Raw to not only announce him as the special gust referee at Wrestlemania between Steve Austin and Shawn Michaels but to acquire a set of ratings not known at the time. A world class boxer being on a wrestling program was an idea not heard of before. Despite the outcome, it presented an opening for Stone Cold to once again ruin the boss's plans and create a stew of interesting conflicts. Steve Austin just got done winning the 1998 Royal Rumble, securing his place in the main event at Wrestlemania against Shawn Michaels. The following night on Raw Vince announced to the public that Mike Tyson would referee the match, much to the dismay and annoyance of Stone Cold. So Austin advanced towards the ring, a slew of Tyson's bodyguards, Vince's corporate buddies, and a handful of referees not far behind to get in between both Austin and Tyson. Austin, annoyed of Tyson for his activities in the back, spoke out against the world's toughest boxer face to face, even going as far as to threaten Vince to shut up on a couple of occasions. After provoking Tyson enough, Austin gave the boxer a "little bit of sign language", flipping both birds right in Tyson's face. Thus began the war when Tyson shoved Austin, and all hell broke loose. Everyone within spitting distance practically jumped on both men, preventing any further contact but trying like all hell to restrain Tyson and Austin from insighting further harm to one another. So what happens when you put the "baddest man on the planet" in the same ring with the Texas Rattlesnake? You get two massive egos, one a boxer and the other a wrestler, who can't share the same ring let alone look at each other without throwing a punch. It was the perfect kind of friction needed to cause hysteria in the Attitude Era. Until the time came for Wrestlemania when Mike Tyson helped Steve Austin win the WWF Championship from Shawn Michaels, betraying D-Generation X, whom he adopted a friendship with, and knocking Michaels out with his famous knockout punch.

Ryan Glenn is an amateur writer in pursuit of a career in both the writing and graphic design fields. He currently attends the Art Institutes of Illinois and looks to go back for a degree in journalism. A reader of an exhaustive library of books and an adept music and video game lover, there's no outlet of media that he isn't involved in or doesn't love.